The question of what to choose for fancy dress will be swimming around your mind more than what to say in the best man speech because there’s just so many options… Do you choose one theme or go for something that’ll solely stitch up the stag? New ideas come up all the time but to get the juices flowing and inspire you, here some below!
Being Brits, and quite possibly Brits abroad when it comes to your stag weekend - why not embrace your heritage and make it a part of your stag do, with plenty of options unique enough to make your stag group stand out from the crowd and make the most of our culture...
What will you be eating the morning after the big night out? The biggest fry-up you can get your hands on! So get it in your minds early and create one even bigger, by each taking a component of the Great British Fry Up and dressing up as it. For the bigger groups, you can of course make it a 'bumper' breakfast with multiple sausages, eggs, bacon rashers, mushrooms and bean after bean after bean. A sure fire crowd-pleaser!
Another thing the UK is famous for is its music, and this provides a whole lot of scope for a stag fancy dress choice, with Spice Girls being the obvious (and most hilarious) choice, but you do also have the likes of Oasis, Blur, Pulp, The Sex Pistols and many more at your disposal!
In the days of snapbacks, tight t-shirts and bling-bling, it might be time to take things back to the days of refined class and become proper English gentlemen for the evening. Think tweed. Think slicked hair. Think flat-caps - and think the kind of guys that smoke pipes and listen to classical music. You'll definitely stand out from the crowd in the club and it might actually end up doing you some favours!
As we said at the start of this guide, fancy dress is something that takes you back to the care-free joys of being the kid with not a care in the world (aside from the dilemma of whether to trade that Pokemon card or not)... So why not go for a choice that harks back to these days of the N64 and penny sweets?
Of course the stag should be allowed to be the most famous video game character of all time - Mario, and the Best Man Luigi... But the rest of you have the entire Mario universe to choose from! Donkey Kong, Yoshi, Toad and a whole lot more... Colourful and a little bit different, if you're in the mood to get creative, then this is a great choice!
Don't let the Michael Bay film tarnish the reputation of these heroes in a half-shell, as they are still some of the most awesome characters to grace anyone's childhood. Go as far as you can with the costume and maybe just maybe have the stag be Splinter... or even Shredder!
Much like the aforementioned Mankini, Morph suits gained massively in popularity in the stag world, and can now be said to be a little unoriginal. A way to reinvigorate this, is to all be Power Rangers, adding to the Morph Suit and bringing it back to your childhood... after all, it is Mighty Morphing Time!
This wouldn't be an article about stag fancy dress if we didn't include the more popular - and in some people's eyes - unoriginal choices of dress up. Always a great go-to staple, there's so many of these and you'll already know what they are, so let's quickly swing through them!
Thick glasses, freckles, top button done up and a pen for people to scrawl on your shirt.
There's more than enough out there, so take your pick.
Get the blue paint out and then hug as many people as possible.
Heading to a disco of some sorts? Opt for bright bold colours all over.
An old favourite that dates back quite possibly as long as the stag do itself does - get shirts printed with your nicknames (or something awful and offensive) on the back.
A fancy dress that comes with a game, you can never go wrong with pub golf, so no wonder it's so popular!
Well it's time to be a smart-arse about it by reaching for a white T-shirt and a Sharpie - proceeding to write 'Error 404: Costume Not Found' on it. Haw haw.
Weddings can be tense affairs. Everyone is keeping their fingers crossed that it all goes without a hitch. And of course, everyone wants to look their very best in the ceremony. So it's no wonder fancy dress and stag dos seem to go hand in hand; wearing ridiculously silly outfits can be a great way to counter the pre-wedding stress. It can also break the ice - it's hard not to bond when you're all wearing matching onesies. So what are the rules to successful stag do fancy dress?
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One of the biggest reasons that gents like yourselves come to The Stag Company is that they want a bit of help throwing their stag the best and most memorable weekend that’s possible. Yes, you could organise it yourself, but when you’re looking at hotels and activities for over 12 guys it can be tricky finding availability and knowing which places will and won’t take a stag group. That’s where we come in. With over a decade of experience, and having organised thousands of stag do’s, you can count on our knowledge and expertise to give you exactly what you and your group want.