All-inclusive holiday deals are becoming increasingly popular as Brits look to minimise the effects of the weakening pound, an expert has revealed.
According to research by, Brits are increasingly looking to cut back on the costs of their holidays by haggling on prices and seeking out the best value deals.
Stag parties and holidaymakers in the UK are now having to contend with the unfavourable exchange rate of the pound against the euro, as well as the impact of the credit crunch.
Kayte Williams, holidays channel manager at, claimed that more people are now looking to book all-inclusive trips to help reduce costs.
She suggested that this allows holidaymakers to plan ahead and means they can have "as many drinks as they want" without being heavily affected by the euro issues.
"They know essentially what the cost of the holiday is upfront, and they can then take a holiday and know what money they need," Ms Williams stated.
This comes after the easyJet airline revealed that it is still experiencing strong demand from both business and leisure travellers looking to visit Europe, despite the effects of the weak pound.