We were asked yesterday, live on TalkSport about what we'd suggest for Prince William's Stag Weekend, following the engagement announcement a couple of days ago.
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What Can William REALLY get away with on his Stag Weekend?[/caption]
There are 2 ways you could look at it. If he's just shelled out on a ring that's worth £250,000, he may be a little hard up, so perhaps a cheesy and cheap
stag weekend in Brighton, popping into a strip club would be best suited. But we did think that there is probably a law somewhere that doesn't allow you to sellotape a future King, naked, to a lamppost down West Street (The main Stag club strip in Brighton for all of you not in the 'know').
We've settled on a
Riga stag weekend instead. The stupidly lax gun laws there are so good that you can get your hands around live-ammunition-filled Kalashnikov's, and Prince William could take a few pot shots into the bushes behind his targets, where there may or may not be literally hundreds of the 'paps' hiding. It is hunting season, and he is the stag, so we won't frown upon that.
We were also thinking of offering his best man, Harry, the chance to stitch him up with a Kidnap The Stag package, where the local police over there (not the corrupt ones!) come and snatch the unsuspecting Stag and scare the bejoolies out of him at the thorough enjoyment of the rest of the lads.
NOTE TO SELF: Send a memo to MI5 before we set this up, just so they are in the loop!
The girls in Riga are amazing, so it would be well worth the trip. Hopefully he won't be tempted to stray that night though, as we think there would be PLENTY of people watching on.
Listen to the entire Talksport interview here