Brits are increasingly opting for destinations closer to home when booking holidays or trips away, according to one tourism official.
With the economic crisis taking its toll on the finances of many UK consumers, those looking for a memorable stag weekend at an affordable price this year might be tempted to sample the nightlife of a
Nottingham stag night or a
Brighton stag night rather than head overseas.
This trend is being replicated right across the holidaying public, it would seem, with visitors to this year's Times Destinations showing strong demand for UK breaks.
Belinda Rounce, marketing campaigns coordinator for Tourism South East, said: "Not a lot of places are travelling to conferences or [using] business travel at the moment, but in terms of leisure, I would say they have seen an upturn."
According to the Association of British Travel Agents, very few Brits are willing to sacrifice that all important holiday or stag night away, in spite of the economic gloom.
The group found that only 13 per cent of people are not planning to take a break in 2009, while one in five are intent on picking up a last-minute bargain.