An increasing number of UK tourists are looking to holiday closer to home this year as credit crunch-hit Brits turn their back on European flights, an expert has claimed.
With the economic crisis in full swing, many stag parties might be tempted to opt for a cheaper stay in UK cities such as Edinburgh or Bristol rather than head overseas for the weekend.
According to Rob Mackenzie, co-managing director of the Best of Britain and Ireland tourism event, this is a common trend among tourists, who are increasingly looking for a top holiday experience "right on their doorstep".
Passenger numbers at BAA's seven UK airports fell by almost three per cent last year as Brits were put off flying abroad by the weakness of the pound against foreign currencies.
Mr Mackenzie said: "All the evidence is pointing towards the fact that the UK holidaymaking public is turning its back on European breaks and thinking about domestic holidays with greater vigour than ever before."
According to UKinbound chief executive Mary Rance, the UK offers "a very good quality" holiday experience at an affordable price, making it attractive to tourists in the current climate.